Upgrading your setup is hard enough, but completely changing your ecosystem is another level. What would it take to make you switch?
Category: Opinion

Is two decks too many for Fred Again..?
Fred Again..’s recent live stream has him only mixing on a single CDJ-2000nexus and two channel DJM-450 mixer. Do we really need more?

AR DJing on the Apple Vision Pro is super awkward for everyone else
DJ Juicy M is back on the bleeding edge of DJ technology, but is it fun for a crowd? (Betteridge’s Law may apply)

Stuff we like: Marques Brownlee “Do Bad Reviews Kill Companies?”
What role does a review take in the product life cycle? Marques Brownlee’s recent video got me thinking about how reviews can be important for both users and companies.

Why DJing is a Hard Sell, pt3
As new features and gimmicks get introduced to the DJ market, all competing brands eventually adopt the successful ones. So why jump between ships that are all headed in the same direction? This is part 3/3.

Why DJing is a Hard Sell, pt2
Once you’ve chosen a product ecosystem, it’s hard to leave – and the reasons are many. What keeps you from making a change? Part 2/3.

Why DJing is a Hard Sell, pt1
Most DJs don’t care about exploring the wide range of possibilities at their fingertips. Why is that? Part 1/3.

Bro, AlphaTheta is a terrible brand name
Pioneer DJ are rebranding as AlphaTheta. Dan argues that AlphaTheta sounds like (and is) a US college fraternity which doesn’t do it any favours.

Welcome to Rogue DJs, a brewing resistance
Rogue DJs brings back critical writing, opinions, and grumpy veteran journalists of DJ technology industry.